Wednesday Night Majors 2023-2024
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Name Ent
Gms Pnfl Sp St High
Last Week
Alyson Rineer 114 9 976 18 5 140 368 114.00 A b s e n t
Jamie Alder 135 12 1531 36 16 148 418 135.00 113-119-118=350
Mike Manns 142 12 1690 40 23 169 469 142.00 136-131-113=380
Mt. Airy Lanes
Ray Creamer 109 9 1004 19 5 129 374 109.00 128-129-117=374
Joe Rineer 120 9 1082 26 8 143 368 120.00 117-108-143=368
David Hughes 136 9 1308 36 18 195 478 136.00 A b s e n t
Bill And The
Bill Vieweg 117 9 1098 26 7 139 384 117.00 121-139-124=384
Lisa Carnes 111 12 1522 28 21 169 444 111.00 169-156-119=444
Brandon Vieweg 119 12 1454 25 16 159 393 119.00 113-121-134=368
I Let You Know
Doug Sass 129 12 1438 34 12 158 399 129.00 114-134-143=391
Jenna Zimmerman 117 12 1407 29 9 129 364 117.00 113-127-118=358
Chris Roth 137 12 1608 38 21 158 415 137.00 112-158-138=408
Sam Poole
Scott Ausherman 119 6 732 9 13 156 379 119.00 100-97-156=353
Todd Thomas 114 12 1483 27 21 167 433 114.00 129-167-137=433
Donald Lochstamphfor 128 12 1601 35 22 156 421 128.00 142-102-121=365
New Guys
Harles Streaker 118 12 1388 16 20 144 355 118.00 116-118-117=351
George Streaker 118 12 1407 23 18 157 406 118.00 101-95-110=306
Alex Dunnigan 138 12 1680 44 21 177 460 138.00 144-112-126=382
Hard Luck Ducks
Dan Smith 140 12 1702 38 28 179 470 140.00 121-141-152=414
Rhonda Blackburn 122 12 1453 34 13 160 381 122.00 102-160-119=381
Deven Hartman 140 12 1684 34 28 175 436 140.00 129-156-148=433
Chics Seafood
Steven Hoover 124 9 1175 24 17 163 434 124.00 A b s e n t
Ernie Schuhly 123 9 1124 19 15 167 414 123.00 107-140-113=360
Robbie Smith 140 9 1130 23 14 146 401 140.00 A b s e n t
Bell Metal
Sean Mulgrew 114 9 1061 12 14 155 406 114.00 A b s e n t
Chris Kennedy 129 12 1482 32 16 150 398 129.00 127-121-150=398
Ryan Bell 135 12 1550 26 22 163 442 135.00 120-149-96=365
Bruce Thompson 91 6 559 7 4 97 284 91.00 97-93-94=284
Tommy Miller 98 6 561 4 6 103 294 98.00 91-97-79=267
Matthew Harris 85 6 553 7 3 127 296 85.00 91-78-127=296

Wednesday Night Majors 2023-2024
Find us on the web at

Name Ent
Gms Pnfl Sp St High
Last Week
Blind 1 100 3 300 0 0 100 300 100.00 A b s e n t
Blind 2 100 3 300 0 0 100 300 100.00 A b s e n t
Blind 3 100 3 300 0 0 100 300 100.00 A b s e n t
Bucky Poole 121 6 765 18 7 156 400 121.00 140-104-156=400
Jack Farro 122 3 338 7 2 121 338 122.00 101-121-116=338
Jeff Smith 129 3 361 6 5 136 361 129.00 136-114-111=361
Joe Muise 119 6 837 20 13 156 427 119.00 156-126-128=410
John Eckenrode 116 3 348 4 6 136 348 116.00 A b s e n t
Mike Spiegel 122 3 325 5 2 115 325 122.00 A b s e n t
Stephanie Rippeon 122 3 352 8 2 131 352 122.00 A b s e n t