Dick Westlake Triples 23-24 Singles League
Find us on the web at http://www.worldleagues.net

Name Sex Ent
Gms Pnfl High
Last Week
#1 - Amanda Zangla
Amanda Zangla F 140 75 10262 184 476 136 143-137-138=418
#2 - Anthony Anastasi
Anthony Anastasi M 126 81 10377 185 448 128 111-144-143=398
#3 - Mike Spisak
Mike Spisak M 122 87 10783 164 434 123 154-135-112=401
#4 - Patrick Boyd
Patrick Boyd M 112 81 9773 162 411 120 112-123-159=394
#5 - Billy Thomas
Billy Thomas M 145 90 12888 231 501 143 152-167-141=460
#6 - Mike Spiegel
Mike Spiegel M 118 81 9729 171 448 120 118-115-147=380
#7 - Sal Marinucci
Sal Marinucci M 136 87 11696 185 498 134 134-165-129=428
#8 - Buddy Turner
Buddy Turner M 141 87 11796 178 490 135 129-147-130=406
#9 - Buster Dodson
Buster Dodson M 106 75 8209 161 374 109 140-112-108=360
#10 - Dani McClay
Dani McClay F 140 81 11211 181 488 138 130-138-147=415
#11 - Tammy Frostbutter
Tammy Frostbutter F 125 90 10539 167 422 117 99-107-98=304
#12 - Bucky Poole
Bucky Poole M 129 90 11383 162 436 126 109-109-151=369
#13 - Pat Rinaldi
Pat Rinaldi F 121 84 10088 174 420 120 129-110-108=347
#14 - Dave Ashby
Dave Ashby M 128 85 9929 152 414 116 109-128-82=319
#15 - Tammy Ashworth
Tammy Ashworth F 120 75 9012 175 402 120 127-104-113=344
#16 - CJ Taylor
CJ Taylor M 138 90 12267 185 480 136 137-152-132=421
#17 - Byrd Richardson
Ernie Richardson M 117 78 8535 148 392 109 121-98-145=364
#18 - Laura Welsh
Laura Welsh F 119 87 9814 152 395 112 108-126-116=350
#19 - Jake Dent
Jake Dent M 112 87 10426 160 397 119 119-133-117=369
#20 - Donna Reid
Donna Reid F 114 81 8898 158 393 109 109-83-96=288
#21 - Eddie Darling
Eddie Darling M 138 84 11060 190 457 131 169-136-133=438
#22 - Will King
Will King M 116 90 11413 206 467 126 170-123-121=414
#23 - Marc Anastasi
Marc Anastasi M 146 84 12545 215 548 149 154-172-133=459
#24 - Nick Harmel
Nick Harmel M 133 84 10816 175 435 128 134-110-127=371
#25 - JB
John Beuchert M 125 86 10699 169 432 124 149-158-123=430
#26 - Adrianne Anastasi
Adrianne Anastasi F 121 75 8734 163 443 116 128-137-111=376

Dick Westlake Triples 23-24 Singles League
Find us on the web at http://www.worldleagues.net

Name Sex Ent
Gms Pnfl High
Last Week
Alex Dunnigan M 127 0 0 0 0 127 A b s e n t
Andrew Willey m 138 6 829 162 422 138 A b s e n t
Bill Jenkins m 126 6 855 165 436 126 A b s e n t
Brittany Felton f 120 6 764 150 398 120 A b s e n t
Dave Coffey m 122 3 357 125 357 122 A b s e n t
Eddie Case M 106 6 656 126 336 106 A b s e n t
GEORGE SLOAN m 133 0 0 0 0 133 A b s e n t
Jaime Alder m 125 3 422 161 422 125 A b s e n t
Joe Dent m 127 12 1459 153 391 121 A b s e n t
Joyce f 127 0 0 0 0 127 A b s e n t
Kenny Day m 125 9 1180 160 404 131 A b s e n t
Kenny Palmer m 118 0 0 0 0 118 A b s e n t
Matt Anastasi M 151 30 4387 196 491 146 A b s e n t
Matt Buckingham m 145 3 478 189 478 145 A b s e n t
Rob Yowell m 130 3 392 137 392 130 A b s e n t
Russ Welton M 130 0 0 0 0 130 A b s e n t
STEVE MAURER m 111 17 1994 151 374 117 A b s e n t
Tony Zangla M 130 21 2940 175 475 140 A b s e n t
Tre Hayes M 118 20 2413 159 414 120 A b s e n t
Vince Marinucci m 107 12 1339 141 360 111 A b s e n t