C&P Triples
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Name Sex Gms Pnfl Sp St High
Last Week
Always Looking Up (#1)
Marcia Jacques f 94 10992 226 83 187 441 116 109-111-124=344
Mary Martinez f 97 7323 45 15 106 284 75 99-77-78=254
Al Martinez m 105 10304 140 54 131 335 98 104-88-121=313
Team #2
Mike Devito m 91 9876 164 88 159 399 108 98-120-138=356
Richard Davis m 93 8991 134 48 145 345 96 88-93-92=273
Bob Catudal m 99 10100 141 65 144 382 102 85-107-118=310
LAFW (#3)
Gail Dapolito f 72 6277 65 37 129 314 87 69-70-73=212
Matthew Gorman M 42 3668 34 24 116 310 87 A b s e n t
Jenny Hurlock f 105 10617 140 76 160 359 101 81-88-88=257
JMB (#4)
James Waterman m 102 9743 130 53 144 349 95 86-79-81=246
Mary Bowers f 60 5479 75 27 131 321 91 A b s e n t
Barry Bowers m 72 7911 139 61 145 384 109 114-104-98=316
Triple G's (#5)
Cindy Gorman f 99 10282 167 64 142 372 103 113-116-81=310
Joe Gorman m 96 10200 172 75 166 396 106 129-105-108=342
Kevin Gorman m 90 9994 188 73 147 381 111 118-128-127=373
Banana 710 (#6)
Bobbie McConnell f 102 10112 146 58 129 334 99 111-111-107=329
Byron Snyder m 99 10943 176 96 175 413 110 81-100-104=285
Kevin Cain m 102 10358 153 71 142 369 101 106-97-88=291

C&P Triples
Find us on the web at http://www.worldleagues.net

Name Sex Gms Pnfl Sp St High
Last Week
Bunny DeBinder f 30 2815 36 16 120 310 93 A b s e n t
Dean Winesdorfer m 3 340 9 0 126 340 116 A b s e n t
Laura Dillon F 3 225 0 1 77 225 92 A b s e n t
Lewis Amundson M 12 991 10 5 130 283 82 A b s e n t
Lyn Christie f 18 1575 17 9 111 295 87 A b s e n t
Mike Murphy m 36 3329 35 21 111 304 92 A b s e n t
Pat Boyd M 8 922 17 7 141 396 119 A b s e n t
Phil Guillard M 12 1171 15 10 134 335 97 A b s e n t
Steve Maurer m 12 1448 25 19 150 398 120 A b s e n t