Dick Westlake Triples
Find us on the web at http://www.worldleagues.net

Name Ent
Gms Pnfl High
Last Week
Team 1 Insight +Glass Design
J T Zimmerman 119 36 4492 168 440 124.28 A b s e n t
Mike Spiegel 122 40 4710 147 395 117.30 126-109-89=324
Bucky Poole 126 45 5911 176 426 131.16 115-162-115=392
Team 2. Adrianne - Kevin - George
Adrianne Anastasi 115 39 4759 165 412 122.01 165-129-118=412
Kevin Ellis 120 42 4907 164 404 116.35 99-149-128=376
George Sloan 139 39 5553 214 516 142.15 104-158-198=460
Team 3 Avery - Sal - Wayne
Avery Rich 136 36 5066 194 484 140.26 151-139-123=413
Sal Marinucci 134 45 6241 202 470 138.31 149-130-122=401
Wayne Matheson 143 45 6550 188 516 145.25 148-150-177=475
Team 4 Mindy - Tammy - Dani
Mindy Hammond 134 33 4509 171 456 136.21 125-138-150=413
Tammy Ashworth 120 36 4358 181 406 121.02 124-181-101=406
Dani Mc Clay 139 45 6490 189 517 144.10 125-146-189=460
Team 5 Jake - Erika - Will
Jake Dent 119 44 5401 176 426 122.33 121-119-102=342
Erika Dupper 95 33 3417 140 374 103.18 A b s e n t
Will King 126 45 5548 174 405 123.13 116-128-103=347
Team 6 Dave A - Tim - Dave H
Dave Ashby 116 42 5240 180 431 124.32 147-180-104=431
Tim Arrney 118 45 5553 159 403 123.18 107-120-159=386
Dave Hagberg 125 45 5909 172 459 131.14 135-172-152=459
Team 7 Pat- Buddy - Amanda
Pat Rinaldi 120 42 4868 140 373 115.38 116-126-113=355
Buddy Turner 136 45 6268 170 462 139.13 152-124-122=398
Amanda Zangla 136 39 5603 204 533 143.26 160-168-126=454
Team 8 Anthony - Byrd - Marc
Anthony Anastasi 128 45 5681 182 491 126.11 120-125-102=347
Erine (Byrd ) Richardson 109 42 4680 143 384 111.18 125-119-109=353
Marc Anastasi 149 45 6314 188 483 140.14 188-144-151=483
Team 9 Mike - Nick - JB
Mike Spisak 124 42 5026 182 437 119.28 A b s e n t
Nick Harmel 128 38 4935 186 513 129.33 A b s e n t
John ( JB ) Beuchert 124 42 5528 190 491 131.26 A b s e n t
Team 10 Luke - Jenna -Chris
Luke Davis 110 27 3016 144 361 111.19 108-114-110=332
Jenna Zimmerman 126 45 5613 165 428 124.33 162-105-104=371
Chris Roth 134 39 5177 164 439 132.29 132-121-142=395
Team 11 Cindy - Steve - Mark
Cindy Mc Millen 131 45 5872 203 506 130.22 151-149-120=420
Steve Curry 116 39 4750 155 399 121.31 94-148-106=348
Mark Davis 141 42 6114 192 495 145.24 151-144-146=441
Team 12 CJ - Patrick - Bill
C J Taylor 136 45 6314 194 497 140.14 169-144-122=435
Patrick Boyd 120 42 5135 160 413 122.11 159-99-127=385
Billy Thomas 143 45 6524 199 486 144.44 155-134-111=400

Dick Westlake Triples
Find us on the web at http://www.worldleagues.net

Name Ent
Gms Pnfl High
Last Week
Becky Gibson 84 3 261 109 261 84 A b s e n t
Bill Jenkins 129 9 1282 181 455 142.04 158-181-116=455
Brittany Felton 120 6 786 168 428 120 A b s e n t
Chris Harwood 116 3 347 132 347 116 A b s e n t
Dave Coffey 116 3 376 127 376 116 126-123-127=376
Denise Nalls 126 3 400 144 400 126 A b s e n t
Eddie Case 105 6 560 99 283 105 A b s e n t
Eddie Darling 134 6 855 182 484 134 146-156-182=484
JAMIE ALDER 131 6 746 153 396 131 A b s e n t
Jaime Alder 131 0 0 0 0 131 A b s e n t
Josh Fink 132 3 373 139 373 132 A b s e n t
Matthew Anastasi 150 33 4902 181 468 148.18 149-149-128=426
Nick Boyce 121 3 337 133 337 121 A b s e n t
STEVE MAURER 123 3 337 130 337 123 A b s e n t
Shaun Dodson 126 12 1596 160 413 133.00 A b s e n t
Steve Dryer 145 3 411 145 411 145 A b s e n t
Steve Slough 115 3 340 123 340 115 A b s e n t
Tony Zangla 127 12 1646 170 458 137.02 A b s e n t
Vince Marinucci 112 9 1138 158 424 126.04 108-136-84=328