Crystal Lanes & Entertainment Center

This Week's

Monday Hi Lo 2021-2022
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Individual Statistics as of 4/1/2022

Name Gms Pnfl Curr
Sp St
RJT Testing Services (1)
Deb Hennen 78 11128 142 182 481 269 179
Melissa McCann 66 6863 103 163 382 134 75
Steph Oberg 9 858 95 111 303 13 5
Linda Holland 51 5482 107 141 374 100 59
Pam Mithun 21 2210 105 143 343 45 20
Deanna Heuer 42 5421 129 184 438 143 60
Judy Johnston 51 5678 111 152 392 122 66
RJT Testing Services 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Crystal Lanes (2)
Adrienne Hilbrands 75 11700 156 204 527 308 208
Kirsten Moser 45 5473 121 166 422 122 64
Michelle Raths 69 9441 136 177 458 249 130
Nancy Schmidt 69 8958 129 183 461 215 101
Shannon Schmidt 39 5057 129 167 458 102 69
Ann Erdahl 3 378 126 132 378 9 3
Crystal Lanes 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Crystal Lanes 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sandys Cafe (3)
Cindy Fremling 72 9669 134 196 484 266 115
Val Cook 63 7442 118 155 426 175 77
Suzy Alsaker 66 6026 91 133 332 114 49
Rachel Nichols 72 10554 146 207 534 281 164
Maddie Smith 15 1142 76 107 265 16 7
Sandys Cafe 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sandys Cafe 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sandys Cafe 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SCMC (4)
Sharon VanEps 66 8228 124 169 439 198 92
Libby Halvorson 54 5492 101 144 361 101 57
Kathy Snell 54 7481 138 174 468 192 98
Illissa Schaefer 72 10924 151 199 547 292 179
Lori Schmidt 39 4860 124 166 445 120 63
Mackenzie Hensel 42 3951 94 125 316 75 37
SCMC 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SCMC 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bills Brew Crew (5)
Jean Spohr 81 11083 136 180 520 274 168
Allison Bigalke 33 3959 119 150 419 88 48
Jen Cihak 48 7400 154 227 511 175 131
Sue Janssen 84 11406 135 179 466 267 170
Laurie Solvie 57 8058 141 181 509 190 128
Nikki Fuhrman 3 507 169 173 507 11 8
Serandon Hagen 9 1054 117 159 371 23 11
Bills Brew Crew 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Killer Bs (6)
Kaitlyn Bullock 78 9138 117 164 420 189 99
Katia Brundage 81 9267 114 163 453 166 140
Sara Bullock 78 7987 102 171 363 146 83
Katie Bullock 81 8824 108 158 398 187 99
Joyce Walstad 3 272 90 100 272 8 1
Adina Vantries 3 206 68 90 206 2 0
Killer Bs 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Killer Bs 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Willies Super Valu (7)
Penny Melberg 75 9981 133 199 533 222 152
Angie Kieffer 81 8583 105 164 404 182 79
Gina Martin 75 11624 154 202 560 310 197
Nancy Henrichs 75 10372 138 190 484 284 112
Rose Athey 3 465 155 165 465 14 6
Lanna Stahman 18 2235 124 150 409 51 27
Sam Henrichs 0 0 122 0 0 0 0
Alissa Sayles 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ellie Ranum 84 9115 108 158 406 189 96
Shelbie Morris 81 8912 110 168 409 190 103
Allison Pohlmann 24 2881 120 153 414 58 40
Brittany Lormis 78 11309 144 231 521 270 188
Morgan Olson 3 223 74 86 223 3 0
Annie Rechtzigel 15 1201 80 109 264 16 8
DR EPIC 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DR EPIC 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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