Dual Lanes

This Week's

Dual Lanes Summer Doubles 2022 (Version B)
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Team Standings as of 12/3/2022

Pos Team Name Won Lost Pinfall Team
1) #5 MIKE-JEREMY 33 23 11405 322 893
2) #10 JAY-BERNIE 32 24 11396 311 883
3) #3 KEITH-DALTON 31 25 11409 333 883
4) #2 BRAD-CLAY 31 25 11282 335 903
5) #8 MIKE-RICHIE 29 27 11181 301 858
6) #9 TOM-JOE 28 28 11141 333 841
7) #1 JERAMIE-BILLY 26 30 10287 314 869
8) #6 JEFF SR-JEFF JR 26 30 11556 340 880
9) #4 DALE-ANDY 26 30 11331 322 902
10) #7 BRAD-GARY 18 38 11370 344 923

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