Dual Lanes

This Week's

Tuesday Nite Handicappers 2022-2023
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Sub List as of 4/19/2023

Name Sex Ent
Gms Pnfl Sp St High
Last Week
BILL SHOWALTER M 100 51 5214 92 27 137 327 102.24 110-88-115=313
CORA BAKER F 96 15 1453 15 8 115 312 96.87 A b s e n t
DALE LENTZ M 129 50 6294 138 67 209 484 125.88 A b s e n t
DAVE PRYOR M 110 71 7713 136 59 160 371 108.63 115-108-115=338
DOUG KNOTT M 113 9 906 10 7 123 303 113.00 A b s e n t
LISA MYERS F 95 30 2868 35 18 124 316 95.60 A b s e n t
MARY KAY GILBERT F 85 12 999 8 4 94 275 83.25 89-78-79=246
MIKE TURNER M 140 42 5556 120 65 186 458 132.29 A b s e n t
RICK LAKE M 116 27 3165 63 28 157 436 117.22 A b s e n t
TYLER BRADY M 87 3 266 3 1 106 266 87.00 A b s e n t