Dual Lanes

This Week's

Wednesday Night Mixed 2022-2023
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Team Standings as of 4/6/2023

Pos Team Name Won Lost Pinfall Team
1) Team 4 OUTLAWS 47 21 23132 569 1509
2) Team 3 BOWL MOVEMENTS 37 31 20633 490 1295
3) Team 2 SENIOR CITIZENS DISCOUNT 36 32 21580 486 1339
4) Team 8 MASTER BATERS 35 33 23372 557 1523
5) Team 7 LOCALLY HATED 31 37 17099 618 1627
6) Team 5 DOUBLE D 30 38 22032 547 1510
7) Team 6 CHAMPS 2.0 29 39 19726 438 1286
8) Team 1 MOONSHINERS 27 41 23348 583 1561

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