Congressional Country Club

This Week's

CCC Junior 22/23
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Individual Statistics as of 2/27/2023

Name Gms Pnfl Sp St High
Cinco de Bolo
Emily Fields 8 512 1 2 82 160 64
Jocelyn MacBride 11 997 16 4 100 195 90
Mark Hill 11 766 4 2 92 167 69
Jane Hill 12 681 3 4 71 142 56
Harper Myers 14 764 1 2 81 135 54
Pin Pals
Henry Olmstead 14 1151 17 3 108 192 82
Charlie Olmstead 14 1103 10 7 95 173 78
Michael Lenard 16 1208 10 5 102 189 75
Gavin King 16 1418 13 8 128 233 88
- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ryan King 16 1095 10 4 100 175 68
Matthew Lenard 16 1167 5 5 97 174 72
Clark Heisey 16 909 4 2 75 123 56
Fitz Heisey 16 701 0 0 67 112 43
-^1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
B-Ball Bowlers
Tucker Heisey 12 1014 8 3 94 180 84
Lila Van Pelt 12 597 4 1 77 114 49
Sam Van Pelt 12 604 2 1 71 121 50
Charlie Van Pelt 12 702 3 0 74 131 58
-^2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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