Congressional Country Club

This Week's

CCC Group 23/24
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Individual Statistics as of 3/21/2024

Name Gms Sp St High
Team 1
Mary Lou Warner 63 50 21 130 285 85
Jenny Rosewag 63 32 17 101 259 73
Peggy Whitty 75 43 15 106 251 74
Mary Strachan 69 67 29 120 320 90
Team 2
Dick Giuliani 75 32 21 98 250 73
Joan Beach 69 47 26 116 284 80
Judy Giuliani 75 40 22 119 289 76
Pat OConnell 75 76 30 124 331 89
Team 3
Chris McCarthy 60 12 5 91 248 67
Clara Andonian 75 46 9 113 283 75
Pat Grimberg 42 19 15 103 253 78
Rosemary Manfreda 69 16 6 101 254 58
Team 4
Kathleen Reed 75 36 20 102 277 75
Carol Oesch 69 45 30 103 289 82
Ken Honicker 72 62 21 113 300 84
Sheri Hall 69 49 33 107 285 84
Team 5
Colleen Molloy 75 40 15 108 251 72
Sue Herbert 60 32 9 97 259 68
Kathleen Donahoe 65 30 20 98 258 66
Carol Perry 60 36 11 112 278 74
Team 6
Vince Thomas 72 29 12 110 246 69
Jan Barber 66 76 43 140 332 97
Katie Erickson 63 116 41 144 350 103
Mary Varga 36 19 8 101 238 70

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