White Oak Duckpin Bowling Lanes

This Week's

Tuesday Night Funsters
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Team Standings as of 5/3/2024

Pos Team Name Won Lost Pinfall Team
1) TEAM #2 58 32 43821 596 1576
2) TEAM #10 56 34 40218 526 1457
3) TEAM #1 49 41 42277 573 1603
4) TEAM #7 47 43 40472 539 1484
5) TEAM #8 46 44 37782 517 1501
6) TEAM #5 44 46 41621 539 1519
7) TEAM #4 43 47 39268 542 1457
8) TEAM #3 42 48 38988 539 1490
9) TEAM #6 41 49 36149 460 1306
10) TEAM #9 - The Pub 4 24 66 33690 454 1203

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