White Oak Duckpin Bowling Lanes

This Week's

Dick Westlake Triples 23-24
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Team Standings as of 5/3/2024

Pos Team Name Won Lost Pinfall Team
1) TEAM #2 126 84 36108 487 1292
2) TEAM #9 - Insight Glass Design 119 91 34566 487 1256
3) TEAM #7 118 92 35155 458 1285
4) TEAM #10 112 98 33982 453 1234
5) TEAM #6 107 103 35358 476 1315
6) TEAM #5 103 107 35563 468 1282
7) TEAM #4 99 111 33844 449 1264
8) TEAM #3 92 118 33107 429 1217
9) TEAM #8 91 119 32189 438 1163
10) TEAM #1 83 127 30711 434 1148

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