Dual Lanes

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Dual Lanes Summer Doubles 2024
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Team Standings as of 8/7/2024

Pos Team Name Won Lost Pinfall Team
1) #5 KENNY & BERNIE 42 14 11354 320 862
2) #6 GARY & DYLAN 37 19 11365 327 904
3) #12 JEFF & TOMMY 32 24 11322 305 903
4) #8 MIKE & JEREMY 30 26 11034 322 848
5) #1 DALE & CLAY 29 27 11379 360 936
6) #4 DOUG & RICH 29 27 11320 343 895
7) #2 PAUL & JEFFREY 28 28 10884 323 862
8) #7 JIM & ANDY 25 31 11080 343 900
9) #3 BRAD & BRIAN 24 32 10862 356 866
10) #10 JENNA & CHRIS 21 35 10730 334 847
11) #9 TOM & JOE 20 36 10778 314 843
12) #11 KENNY & BRAD 19 37 10738 313 831

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