White Oak Lanes

NEW! History
of Bowling BOOK

Dick Westlake Triples
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Team Standings as of 9/13/2024

Pos Team Name Won Lost Pinfall Team
1) Team 2. Adrianne - Kevin - George 17 4 3496 437 1193
2) Team 3 Avery - Sal - Wayne 14 7 3867 473 1340
3) Team 4 Mindy - Tammy - Dani 14 7 3730 451 1298
4) Team 11 Cindy - Steve - Mark 13 8 3501 441 1295
5) Team 7 Pat- Buddy - Amanda 12 9 3584 475 1312
6) Team 10 Shaun - Jenna -Chris 12 9 3507 429 1191
7) Team 12 CJ - Patrick - Bill 12 9 3439 424 1186
8) Team 6 Dave A - Tim - Dave H 11.5 9.5 3414 423 1235
9) Team 9 Mike - Nick - JB 8 13 3472 427 1235
10) Team 1 JT - Mike- Bucky 8 13 3272 415 1105
11) Team 5 Jake - Erika - Will 2.5 18.5 3130 412 1094
12) Team 8 Anthony - Byrd - Marc 2 19 3144 422 1113

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