Congressional Country Club

This Week's

CCC Ladies 22/23
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Individual Statistics as of 2/28/2023

Name Ent
Gms Pnfl Sp St High
Magda Mooers 90 27 2565 42 12 121 329 95.00
Helen Cade 80 33 2736 19 7 117 273 82.30
Patricia Ehrlich 86 33 2717 20 10 104 268 82.11
Nancy MacBride 98 33 3304 45 14 133 298 100.04
Betsy Clasper 76 27 2037 14 8 104 251 75.12
Mitsuko Otani 74 33 2594 17 9 105 273 78.20
Cecilia Castiello 86 33 2921 21 18 107 275 88.17
Bonnie Foley 74 28 2228 12 13 102 257 79.16
Carolyn Rand 92 12 1150 19 5 111 294 95.10
Ann Eagleson 60 33 2249 8 11 91 227 68.05
Marilyn Rogers 88 19 1477 13 4 102 264 77.14
Kathy Bues 81 30 2362 18 6 100 243 78.22
Betsy Dempsey 82 33 2672 21 8 103 268 80.32
Suzanne Grey 63 3 196 2 1 67 196 63
Christina Wills 87 25 2257 23 17 112 316 90.07
Monique Fields 99 30 2937 35 23 125 300 97.27

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