White Oak Majors Bowling League

News and Information Site for the Sport of Duckpin Bowling

Singles League Standings as of 5/27/2016

Pos.IDNameWonLostPinfallClose Gms
(10 or less)
(5 or less)
1 A14Billy Thomas 58.5 43.5 16165 15.5 - 14.5 7.5 - 5.5
2 A09Kenny Herrell 57 45 15958 24 - 15 14 - 8
3 A13Julio Feliciano 56.5 45.5 15722 22.5 - 17.5 17.5 - 9.5
4 A05Steve Curry 55 47 15999 17 - 16 7 - 9
5 A07Dave Ashby 52.5 49.5 15517 11.5 - 17.5 5.5 - 11.5
6 A04Sean Otterson 52 50 15579 17 - 17 7 - 9
7 A02Marc Klein 51 51 15907 14 - 24 6 - 14
8 A12Steve Rowley 51 51 15755 16 - 15 9 - 5
9 A06Pat Rinaldi 50 52 15833 16 - 16 9 - 10
10 A01Shorty Divver 49 53 15655 18 - 17 12 - 8
11 A08Michael Weaver 48.5 53.5 16017 18.5 - 12.5 11.5 - 9.5
12 A11Bob Goldfarb 48 54 15864 16 - 17 10 - 9
13 A03Andrew Willey 48 54 15688 16 - 19 9 - 13
14 A10Eddie Case Sr 37 65 15195 14 - 18 8 - 12

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